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Remote Support
Over the years customers have often approached us with problems configuring their program with EPOS hardware.
We decided that this was best solved by offering remote support and we are now pleased to announce this is available new for 2024.

Remote support allows an experienced tech support access to the program to help troubleshoot any issues you may have.
This will help to iron out problems quickly and allows us to see exactly what is happening.
To access this service you will need Google Chrome and an extension.
The cost is only £15 for 30 minutes
Please give us a preliminary call to see if remote support is what you need. We will obtain details and book an appointment at the earliest opportunity.
Setup for remote support using the Chrome Browser
Getting started
Install Google Chrome: https://google.co.uk/chrome
Navigate to: http://remotedesktop.google.com/access
Log in with Google

Click the download button in the 'Get support' box

Then 'Add to Chrome' to install the extension.

Finally, choose a name for your computer and a PIN

To begin a session
To get remote support select 'Remote support' and then 'Get support' and 'Generate code'.
It will display a code to allow 30 minutes of temporary remote access.
Remote Support Disclaimer
Bibase does not accept any liability for data or software that is lost, corrupted, deleted or altered prior to, during or after the remote session.
Data security is the sole responsibility of the customer. Liability is restricted to intent and gross negligence. Bibase accepts no liability for faults for which it is not responsible, even if they occur around the time when the support is provided.
Use of the service confirms your acceptance of the terms of this disclaimer and your consent to allow the Bibase support team member control of your computer. Please note that the service is only available during our business hours and subject to prior arrangement by telephone with our support staff.